Ideally, you'll want to find a small shoebox, or food storage box that you'll be able to put some times in to help you deal in times when you feel an emotional eating need coming on. Inside this box, you will want to fill it with items that will keep you from trying to satisfy your needs with food.
First, I've found that by far the most beneficial tool in my tool box is an index card. "An index card?" is probably what you're thinking. But yes, that's what I said. Don't worry, it's not a blank one. On this card I want you to put the following...
- a positive affirmation (or 2 or 3), something that really speaks to you... for me "I believe in myself and my abilities" is one that really speaks to me, but you'll need to find one that works for you.
- phone numbers of 3 close friends - you'll want to make sure that these people are non-judgmental. Often when we're looking for that "fix" from emotional eating the last thing we need to feel is judged as well. These 3 people will listen to you, comfort and console you, and simply put, just be there for me. (I'm blessed to have several people in my life who have been willing to text back and forth with me at all hours of the day and night when I've been in a really bad place.

- Does journaling help you purge your emotions? If so, then buy a cheap notebook at the dollar store and keep that in there.
- Do you need to keep your hands busy? Remember those floss bracelets we made as kids? Buy some floss and make a bracelet or two.
- Do you know how to crochet or knit? Put in a ball of yarn and your needles or crocket hook. As an added bonus, you could wind up making scarves for everyone for Christmas this year (my boys still have their scarves I made for them before I decided that crocheting really just wasn't for me).
- Maybe you like to draw. Keep a sketchpad in there. Like to read, put in a couple magazines or a Chicken Soup type book filled with short, positive and uplifting stories.
- Then there's my favorite... Play-Doh! Sometimes we just need to keep our hands busy. When that's the case, squeezing and shaping a wad of this dough can keep your hands moving (and therefore unable to be used to eat) and it's a GREAT way to deal with frustration.
Until Next Time...
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