Monday, September 9, 2013

The Ultimate Reset - Here I Go...

So we all know that the summer is filled with fun and sun - and with that lots of "reasons" why our health and wellness may take a backseat to the Summer Freedom.  Although I was pretty good throughout the summer the amount of BBQs, vacations, parties, and other things that came up has left me feeling less then where I want to be.  So I decided that I was going to do the 21 Day Beachbody Ultimate Reset program.  And, since I want to be able to give my readers & customers the most accurate information regarding the Beachbody products I've used I've decided that I'm going to share what is happening with me while I partake in this journey.  Yesterday, Sunday, was my Day 1.  So, as I do with any new program I'm beginning, I've taken some before pictures that I'm sharing with you all. 
Now onto the important stuff.  Whenever I hear "Reset" or "Cleanse" I automatically think "uh-oh... here comes the starvation diet."  See, when I was drowning in my bulimia I'd look to "cleanse" by doing severe restriction diets.  However, as you can see in the pictures , that is NOT the case in this Reset. 

Each one of my meals was very filling and satisfying.  And honestly, I can't remember the last time I ate bread or potatoes!  I also have the option of a snack in the afternoon everyday.  And I did have that snack, but ate it before I remembered I wanted to take a picture... oops!  My snack was cut veggies and humus, YUM!

There are 3 phases in the Ultimate Reset beginning with Phase 1: Reclaim, followed by Release, and Restore.   Each phase lasts 7 days and brings your body one step closer to the ultimate goal of rebooting your system!  Reclaim focuses on slowly starting to remove the stress on your digestive system and getting you pH balance back on track.  Release focuses on removing those harmful toxins from your body - the ones clogging your intestinal track and blocking proper nutrient absorption.  Phase 3, or Restore, introduces essential enzymes and probiotics into your body.  Through this last phase you are bringing your body back to maximum efficiency.

I will keep everyone updated with my progress as I continue through my 21 days - probably posting on this subject once a week or so.  And for more details about this particular program you can click in the link above in this post or the link on the right hand side of my page.

***And don't forget, it's not too late to get in on my "Any Beachbody Workout" Facebook Challenge Group that is starting on September 16th.  If you'd like more details about that you can leave me a comment here.

Until Next Time...


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