So I've officially completely the 21 Day Ultimate Reset! Yay to me! (Although, I did cheat one night and cave on the fro-yo.) I have to say, overall I was pretty pleased with most of the meals, though there were one or two I hope to never see again (until my next Reset). Sure, there were times that I was hungry, but it was nowhere near the horrible hunger that I've felt on some of the other detoxes or cleanses I have tried.
After 21 days, thanks to The Ultimate Reset I have have had a complete body "makeover" - however although I am seeing results on the outside (I'll get to those in a minute) it's the ones on the inside that have really thrilled me.
I have an increased amount of energy. In the beginning it was difficult and I did feel a little bit more tired then I had, but as the first week progressed I noticed my energy increase. And now I'm feeling full of it on a daily basis.
I am sleeping through the night. On average I am getting 7-8 hours of SOLID sleep! This is compared to the 4ish hours I'd be able to get throughout the night prior to this. I used to wake up multiple times during the night - now I'm only waking up if one of the minions wakes up calling for me or my husband.
My system is more regulated. Without getting too graphic let's just say that I'm hitting the bathroom twice a day, and you could actually set a clock on the times that I have to go! That's really different from the "maybe" once a day and issues I had prior.
Now for the information everyone has been weighting for - go ahead, ask... How much weight did I lose? Well I'll tell you. In the 21 days, I lost a whopping 13 pounds! And that's with my "monthly friend" making an appearance this morning - ugh! And here's the visual too with a reminder of my before and an after side by side.
So what now? Well for the next 21 days I'm going to slowly start reintroducing more grains into my diet. I'm still on the fence about meat. Honestly I didn't miss it during this Reset, so I haven't decided if it's something that I'm going to regularly eat or not. I may just stick to fish on occasion. I guess we'll see what happens there. I also will still be using the Vegan Shakeology for the next few weeks - they say to stay with that form for another 21 days. Then I will be switching back to my regular chocolate flavor.
Until Next Time...
Congratulations to you Kim! I am inspired by your hard work and dedication! Oh an willpower with which I have none! You look amazing to me... Inside and out!