Monday, November 18, 2013

How to NOT Put on that Holiday Weight...

Let's be real, nobody wants to go on a 'diet' during the holidays.  And although it's be wonderful if you've already created a lifestyle that focuses on healthy and nutritious food choices, this is the time of the year where even the most health-conscious person enjoy a few treats.  But according to ---"the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day (approximately forty days) is three to seven pounds. The already-overweight individual risks a higher weight gain amount during the Holidays than a normal weight person."

But using these simple tips may help you deal with keeping that typical holiday gain in check.

Don't Go to a Party Hungry - there's nothing wrong with having a small snack before heading out to the festivities.  Enjoy a handful of nuts and raisins, maybe some cheese and crackers, something that gives you some protein and good carbs can help you from overeating since you're not ravenous when you show up.

Don't Skip Meals. "Saving" calories doesn't work.  It also will leave you feeling hungry and cause you to potentially overeat when finally given the opportunity.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind - There is no need to have a cookie jar full of Grandma's homemade chocolate chip cookies on the counter.  Using the excuse of "but my children (or husband, or roommate...) like them" is nonsense.  If it's not good for you, it's not good for them... Period, the end!

Don't Drink Your Calories - I love the holiday beverages as much as everyone else, but in moderation.  Eggnog, + wine, + hot apple cider with whipped cream and caramel + (you get the message) can really add up! 

Sleep - Our bodies need sleep to reboot.  Don't use the holidays as an excuse to overextend yourself.  his will just leave you rundown.  Make time for sleep, try aiming for 7-8 hours a night.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise - You can't out exercise a bad diet, but it can make you more aware.  Remember, it can take a lot more time to burn off calories then consume them.  But exercise makes you not only feel better, but makes you conscious of what you are eating throughout the day since you put in that extra effort!

Looking for a new workout program to help keep your waistline in check this holiday season?  Let me help you find the right Beachbody Workout for you!

Until Next Time...

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